Announcement : 

Welcome to Tua Marina School new website!


Tua Marina School “Working together to grow a healthy and happy
community where every learner succeeds


Have an “I can do it” attitude

We will …

  • Believe in ourselves
  • Give things a go
  • Stay positive and happy
  • Problem-solve to work out a solution
  • Bounce back if things are not going right
  • Change to suit the situation (adaptable)
  • Keep on trying and not give up (persevere/persist)
  • Join in activities (participate)
  • Look for the good side of things (optimistic)
  • See the funny side and laugh at things
  • Be realistic with our goal setting
  • Develop skills to cope with change
  • Be confident and brave – have an ‘I can do it’ attitude

Life-Long Learners

Continually seek and use new knowledge and skills

We will …

    • Be willing to learn
  • Reflect on our learning
  • Set suitable goals to work towards
  • Be proud of our achievements
  • Have good self-management skills (flexible timetables & learning styles)
  • Use inquiry learning skills
  • Work by ourselves (independent)
  • Be responsible for our own learning pathways (personalised learning)
  • Communicate well (voice)
  • Use our thinking skills
  • Know our strengths and weaknesses
  • Make informed decisions
  • Think about the future
  • Use e-learning across all areas when appropriate
  • Find ways to make learning fun

Community and Beyond

Make a positive difference to the world around us

We will …

  • Contribute to the well being of the community, the wider community, and the world
  • Do the right thing at the right time for the right reason
  • Follow our school rules
  • Look after ourselves
  • Look after our environment
  • Relate well with others
  • Show values in our everyday lives – respect, kindness, responsibility, and honesty
  • Value our uniqueness and differences
  • Be good team/group members/collaborators
  • Contribute to an interdependent (what we do affects others) learning community
  • Involve our families in our learning
  • Practice our learning as we interact in the real world
  • Use the wider community to help with our learning
  • Value the bicultural nature of Aotearoa New Zealand, and value other cultures


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