Announcement : 

Welcome back e te whānau! We look forward to working together to build a positive learning community.


  • live the vision of being resilient, life-long learners who strive for peak performance in their community and beyond.
  • demonstrate our values of respect, kindness, responsibility, and integrity in their daily lives
  • range in age from 5 to 13 years
  • focus on their learning
  • integrate a wide range of e-learning skills to enhance their learning
  • are well resourced
  • enjoy lovely park like grounds which also include a hall, a hard court area, an all weather surface, three adventure playgrounds and a swimming pool
  • are well managed and take pride in showing good behaviour and manners
  • act as peer mediators in the playground
  • can join the choir and kapahaka groups
  • can join a variety of sports and represent our school eg football, netball, basketball, tennis, touch rugby, hockey, summer soccer
  • focus on leadership skills in the senior school


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