Announcement : 

Welcome back e te whānau! We look forward to working together to build a positive learning community.


In Science, students explore how both the natural physical world and science itself work so that they can participate as critical, informed, and responsible citizens in a society in which science plays a significant role.


  • Students need to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to problem solve and make decisions from a scientific perspective taking into account social and ethical considerations.

Learning Goals

Through our teaching and learning programmes our students should understand the nature of science by:

    • Developing an understanding of the world based on scientific theories
    • Developing knowledge of fair testing and scientific investigation processes
    • Understanding the implications of science as it relates to their own lives and cultures and the sustainability of the environment
    • Understanding science through the following contexts (strands):
      • Living World – students recognise that all groups of living things have life processes, common and unique requirements, and adapt to and interact with their environment in particular ways.
      • Planet Earth & Beyond – students have understandings about the natural processes on Earth (erosion, weather systems) and the solar system (day and night), and the interdependence of land,    air, water, and life.
      • Physical World – students have explanations for a variety of physical phenomena such as light, sound, heat, magnetism, motion, energy.
      • Material World – students describe and group materials based on properties and recognise permanent and temporary changes in materials in everyday situations

Teaching and Learning Guidelines

Our teaching and learning programmes will:

  • Provide meaningful contexts
  • Be integrated with Inquiry  Learning Units and also be taught as stand-alone science units as appropriate
  • Incorporate Enviro Schools and  Living Landscapes programmes
  • Model and teach the scientific process 
  • Model the use of scientific language and equipment
  • Provide opportunities for fair testing, identifying and classifying, modelling, pattern seeking, and researching
  • Reflect the Tua Marina Curriculum Overview
  • Link to key competencies, principles and values
  • Consider the learning environment – intellectual, emotional, physical, and cultural engagement
  • Use a variety of teaching strategies
  • Incorporate ICT and Thinking Skills when appropriate
  • Make use of staff strengths and community expertise


  • The New Zealand Curriculum will provide the basis for the teaching and learning programmes.
  • Refer to PEAK Inquiry Learning Model and MOE resources when planning e.g. TKI, and Building Science Concepts Handbooks
  • Planning will follow a coherent pathway from curriculum plans to long term plans to unit or weekly planning to teaching and learning
  • Students will participate in the School Science Fair on a biannual basis (even years).
  • Assessment data and information about students will be used to determine the teaching and learning programme.


Information on student achievement will be gathered and analysed through a range of assessment practices e.g. rubrics, self/peer assessment, observation, NEMP tasks, etc.


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