Announcement : 

Welcome back e te whānau! We look forward to working together to build a positive learning community.

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education means success for all. Tua Marina School takes pride in the excellent reputation it has built up for meeting the needs of all students. 


Every child in the school is welcomed, valued and diversity is respected. All students are included as much as possible in the classroom/school environment, and nurtured so that their skills, talents and strengths are developed, and they can achieve their true potential. Students with Special Needs and those who are Gifted and Talented are identified, and emerge from culturally responsive classrooms.

Learning Goals

  • For every student to receive instruction related to their ability, and that they attain success.
  • To address individual learning needs so that adequate resources can be allocated
  • To ensure that systems are in place to identify and remove barriers to achievement for students at Tua Marina School.
  • To provide opportunities that empower Gifted and Talented students to realise their ongoing potential through differentiated and challenging programmes
  • For Gifted and Talented students to experience a curriculum that extends understanding and skills in complex and challenging ways.
  • To provide opportunities that empower students with Special Needs to realize their ongoing potential through supportive, needs-based programmes.


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