12th November 2024
An excited and enthusiastic Makomako class had a surprise visit in the garden today. First, some pea straw was collected, next everyone planted out Kumara slips, watered them in and mulched with pea straw. Two tomato plants were carefully planted as well as 6 cauliflower seedlings. All plants were mulched and watered in well. Ka pai everyone!
29th October 2024
A drizzly day in the garden did not stop lots of mahi. More weeding of garden beds, trench dug for potato planting. Gone-to-seed silverbeet plants removed and composted. New silverbeet planted, as well as some dwarf beans and cos lettuce. All gardens were fertilised with seaweek. Ka pai everyone!
22nd October 2024
A fabulous start to the term in the garden. Broad beans harvested and all plants removed. Many brassicas had bolted and gone to seed, these were chopped down and sent to compost. Some new seedlings plants and all gardens were watered well. Great job everyone!
25th June 2024
A wet day, so outside gardening was cancelled for Makomako class today. Instead, we put pencil to paper, had a discovery discussion on what we find in garderns and the children enthusiastically created a scientific, labelled drawing. Some ideas were plants of many sizes and kinds, sheds, water, sun, soil, insects and much more.
18th June 2024
A very cold day in the garden for Makomako class. We learned about the life cycle of plants and had an oppurtunity to look at an overgrown cauliflower plant showing all the stages of the life cycle. Lots of team work to remove the plant and compost it. Some pruning of herbs and some weeding also completed.
04th June 2024
For the first of the winter months Makomako class learned about how plants survive in the cold, and plant protection. Everyone took secateurs and found small twigs around the school grounds and made small teepees for the struggling seedlings in the garden that the birds have been eating. Great job everyone!
28th May 2024
Makomako class carefully planted more seedlings today. The soil is, again, very dry so lots of watering as well as leaves collected for mulch to help keep the moisture in. Plants are growing very slowly in the cooler weather.
21st May 2024
A cold rainy day for Makomako class in the garden today. The children planted out many seedlings in the garden beds, gathered up some autumn leaves and spread on the gardens. Ka pai everyone!
14th May 2024
Makomako class became chefs in the kitchen today. First 3 small cabbages were picked and chopped up. Curly Kale too for chips. Next carrot and cheese were grated into the bowl and mixed together. The curly Kale was ripped up and cooked, a little too much – but still yummy. The children enjoyed their coleslaw in the sun. Great work.
07th May 2024
Makomako class experienced a great time in the garden todayy. The pea straw has done a great job keeping moisture in and feeding the soil. The children harvested parsley seeds for saving. Lots of weeding which went to the compost. Great job everyone!!
19th March 2024
Ti Kōuka class were very busy gardeners today. Old corn plants were removed, compost added to the soil and leek seedlings planted. Lots more pea straw was spread and lots of watering. Ka pai everyone.
12th March 2024
Ti Kōuka class learned to plant out seedlings today, curly Kale was planted carefully. Pea straw was added to many places in the garden to feed the soil and keep the moisture in the garden. Lots of watering in the very dry soil. Great job everyone.
05th March 2024
Ti Kōuka class had their first gardening experience today. We talked about what we might fund un a garden; vegetables, flowers, caterpillars, butterflies and soil were some ideas. We identified many plants; corn, sunflowers, mint, and had a look under the soil. Last of all we picked fresh apples and shared them in the garden. Ka pai everyone.
27th February 2024
Manuka class removed and chopped up brassica then took to compost heap. Large garden was weeded out and lots of watering, the soil still very dry.
20th February 2024
Manuka class got very busy in the gardens, lots of compost was dug out and added to a few garden beds. Cos lettuce and red broccoli and cabbage seedlings were planted. The gardens are very dry – lots of watering done. We learned about leaving fruit and vegetables until fully ripe before harvesting.
13th February 2024
Manuka class made a great start in the school garden. Lots of weeding and taking to the compost bins. Some large gone-to-seed brassica was removed and chopped up for compost. Compost was dug out and added to a garden bed along with many healthy worms. Some yummy tomatoes were picked and enjoyed. Ka pai everyone.
2024 Photos