Announcement : 

Welcome back e te whānau! We look forward to working together to build a positive learning community.

Career Education

Career Education – for Year 7and 8 students


Students need to be given the opportunity to consider the concept of ’career’ and how they can prepare themselves through the choices they make in order to participate effectively in working life.

Learning Goals:

To provide programmes of learning that begin to develop students:

  • knowledge and understanding of themselves and others as individuals, including the personal resources they bring to situations
  • knowledge and understanding of the general structures of post-school and the demands and rewards associated with various opportunities and pathways
  • understanding of how the options and considered choices can relate to anticipated careers, occupations and life roles

Teaching and Learning Guidelines:

  • Career Information and Guidance will be incorporated in the Year 7/8 programme of learning on an annual basis
  • A biannual programme will be implemented where odd years a comprehensive career unit is taught, and in even years it is a minor focus.
  • Ongoing throughout the year adhoc discussions/visits around different jobs/careers related to people on site, or topics being studied if appropriate.


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