Announcement : 

Welcome back e te whānau! We look forward to working together to build a positive learning community.


Our school has a very effective Board of Trustees who are strategic thinkers and govern our school well. Our board operate on an 18 month election process with elections usually falling in May and November. Our December elections for 2020 did not go to vote as we received the exact number of valid nominations for the parent representative positions that were needing to be filled – you can see the declaration here. The current board consists of the following members:


Gemma Franken


About Me

Tēna koutou katoa
Ko Gemma Franken ahau
Ko Che’ tāku tāne
Ko Nico rātou ko Chase ko Asher āku tama
Nō Heretaunga ahau
Engari kei te noho ahau, I Koromiko inaianei
Nō reira ngā mihi maioha
Ki a Koutou katoa
Tēnā tatou kātoa.

Kia ora my name is Gemma, I am the current Presiding Member of the School Board. My husband Che’ and I are raising our three boys in Koromiko. They all attend Tua Marina. I enjoy learning about and developing the strategic goals and governance plans of our kura, and find it gives me more knowledge and lived experiences for the Bachelor of teaching I have almost completed. I look forward to seeing all the growth that is made this year, and hearing the school song?!!


Nic Walker


About Me

Here at Tua Marina School, I wear several hats. Principal | Tumuaki, Board of Trustees member, and Dad of two boys to name a few. I’m lucky enough that as Tom's (in Kōwhai) and Hugo’s (in Kawakawa) Dad I get to consider the impact that our direction as a Board and my actions as a leader have for our students day to day. The boys are learning to love the discussion in the car early in the morning on the way to school. I love being back in my hometown, in a rural school community where everyone mucks in and gets involved in ‘Creating the calm beyond - Hanga Atu ki te Tua Marino.’


Sarah Kerr

Staff Rep

About Me

Coming Soon


Bruce Bromwich

BOT Treasurer

About Me

Kia ora koutou
Ko Bruce Bromwich toku ingoa
Ko Ngai Tahu toku iwi
Ko Ngaruawahia ahau

I am an IT consultant that works across a number of industries including the Ministry of Education. I have lived in Rarangi for over 20 years with my partner Eve Sutherland who is Principal of Grovetown School. Our children Bella and Charlie grew up in our community and finished their time in our kura in 2023. I am enjoying supporting the Board to develop the strategic direction of the school as well as fulfilling my role as treasurer.


Rosalind Mundy

BOT Member

About Me

Hi I am Roz ( Rosalind) Mundy a parent representative on the board and mother of two girls now at MGC and a son in the senior class ( Kowhai). We live in Tuamarina on a lifestyle block and love the community/whanau feel of the school and the ability for our children to take on extra responsibility and be a positive role model for the younger students preparing them for the future. Tuamarina is a beautiful and peaceful area of Marlborough so we hope to be here for many years yet!


Victoria Greenwood-Loose

BOT Member

About Me

Coming Soon


Steph Martella

Parent Representative

About Me

Hi, I‘m Steph Martella and a parent representative on the Board of Trustees. My husband and I live in Rarangi and have two children in the junior classrooms at Tua Marina School. I am passionate about our community and helping our young learners.



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